Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Self Discipline is a Small Price to Pay

If you are not in control of yourself then you will never be able to focus your energies on what is important for your personal life nor your career.

Andrew Horton says that self-discipline is crucial on our path to realize the success we desire. Unfortunately the concept of discipline is misunderstood and we mistakenly confuse discipline with pain and discomfort. As you know, we do everything in our power to avoid pain and to attract as much pleasure as possible. However, the true meaning of the word discipline is "to instruct or educate, to inform the mind, to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits." He wonders if you could change your understanding about and feeling toward discipline, if you finally realized the true meaning of discipline and saw discipline as something that helps, guides and instructs, rather than something, which is difficult and causes pain?

Learn more from Andrew by reading his full article:

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